Datalinky REST API Documentation

Welcome to the DataLinky API documentation. The /go endpoint is designed to facilitate seamless redirections with form-encoded data. When data is submitted to the specified URL via HTTP GET or POST, the information is encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded, which is the standard way to encode form data in HTTP requests.


The /go endpoint processes provided form data and redirects to a specified URL with a 302 HTTP status code:

Query Parameters

  • urls: The target URL to which the form data is posted, URL-encoded.
  • redirectTo: The URL to redirect to after posting form data, URL-encoded.
  • Any other data: Any other form data to be posted to the target URL, URL-encoded.


Response Behavior

  • On Success

    This endpoint responds with a 302 HTTP status code and redirects to the URL specified in the redirectTo parameter, passing along any form data as query parameters.

    No JSON is returned. The browser or HTTP client is redirected to the new location.

  • On Failure

    If there is any error in the request, the endpoint responds with a 400-500 error code, with an error message in the response body.


The /go endpoint processes provided form data and redirects to a specified URL with a 302 HTTP status code:

Request Body (Form Data or JSON)

  • urls: The target URL to which the form data is posted, URL-encoded.
  • redirectTo: The URL to redirect to after posting form data, URL-encoded.
  • Any other data: Any other form data to be posted to the target URL, URL-encoded.


curl -X POST '' 
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
 -d '{"urls":[""], "redirectTo":"", hello: "world"}'

Response Behavior

  • On Success

    This endpoint responds with a 302 HTTP status code and redirects to the URL specified in the redirectTo url, after POST'ing / relaying the data into your other URLs.

    No JSON is returned. The browser or HTTP client is redirected to the new location.

  • On Failure

    If there is any error in the request, the endpoint responds with a 400-500 error code, with an error message in the response body.